“We reviewed many proposals from the other vendors, and finally decided on Canon due to PTS's initiative and diligence in conducting an assessment of our organisation's needs before proposing a solution.”
The implementation of Canon’s print management solution and the subsequent training received positive feedback across the board. We are truly glad to partner with Samafitro, the trusted, authorised distributor of Canon in Indonesia.
The implementation of Canon’s print management solution and the subsequent training received positive feedback across the board. We are truly glad to partner with Samafitro, the trusted, authorised distributor of Canon in Indonesia.
“We reviewed many proposals from the other vendors, and finally decided on Canon due to PTS's initiative and diligence in conducting an assessment of our organisation's needs before proposing a solution.”
The implementation of Canon’s print management solution and the subsequent training received positive feedback across the board. We are truly glad to partner with Samafitro, the trusted, authorised distributor of Canon in Indonesia.
The implementation of Canon’s print management solution and the subsequent training received positive feedback across the board. We are truly glad to partner with Samafitro, the trusted, authorised distributor of Canon in Indonesia.
Welcome to Smart Office Era!! Smart Office adalah sebuah konsep yang berisi berbagai solusi untuk costumer agar dapat menciptakan lingkungan kerja dengan perangkat dan layanan
Welcome to Smart Office Era!! Smart Office adalah sebuah konsep yang berisi berbagai solusi untuk costumer agar dapat menciptakan lingkungan kerja dengan perangkat dan layanan
Merdeka…Merdeka dari kertas yang berantakan di Kantor Anda! Kertas atau berkas yang menumpuk di kantor memang bikin pusing, apalagi jika Anda membutuhkan data tersebut segera.
Bingung antara Mesin Inkjet atau Mesin Laser! Serupa tapi tak sama.. Walaupun fungsinya sama yaitu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Print, Scan, dan Copy ternyata ada perbedaan
Selamat datang di Samafitro Official Store!Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami. Silahkan tinggalkan pesan dan kami akan segera membalas pesan Anda. Kami akan fast response Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM. Di luar jam tersebut mohon menunggu konfirmasi kami ya! Selamat berbelanja.